Virtual Instruments

Instrument App Description
Vibraphone Pianoteq Vibes Instrument Pack: V-M Link
     Modeled from a Musser Vibraphone.
Vibraphone (Alt) Pianoteq Vibes Instrument Pack: V-B Link
     Modeled from a Bergerault Vibraphone. Has more attack; maybe better for jazz.
Marimba Pianoteq Xylo Instrument Pack: Bass Marimba Link
     Modeled from a Bergerault 5 octave Marimba.
Xylophone Pianoteq Xylo Instrument Pack: Xylophone Link
     Modeled from a Bergerault 3.5 octave Xylophone. Lower end sounds a little dead.
Glockenspiel Pianoteq Celeste Instrument Pack: Glockenspiel Link
     Modeled from a Bergerault GV glockenspiel. Only goes up to C8, but goes to lower range.
Crotales SF2 UIowa: Crotales Link
     Sampled from two octaves of Crotales.
Tubular Bells Pianoteq Bells and Carillons: Tubular Bells Link
     Modeled from Bergerault JC18 chimes. Dampener actually works.
Hand Bells SF2 Handbellz-v2 Link
     Note volume quiet in the highest octave.
Carillons Pianoteq Bells and Carillons: Church Bells Link
Steel Drum Pianoteq Steelpans Instrument Pack: Steel Drum Link
Timpani SF2 Soundfonts 4U: Timpani v2.0 Link
     Preset2 sounds a little better than MainStage.
Celesta Pianoteq Celeste Instrument Pack: Celesta Link
     Modeled from a "modern five-octave German brand".
Harp Pianoteq Harps Instrument Pack: Concert Harp Link
     Modeled from a 47-string Salvi concert grand harp.
Harp (Alt) Pianoteq Harps Instrument Pack: Celtic Harp Link
     Modeled from a 34-string Aoyama harp.
String Bass SF2 UIowa: Double Bass Pizzicato Link
     Sampled from Anton Krutz (2004). Wrong notes in higher octave.
String Bass (Alt) SFZ VSCO 2 CE: Contrabass Pizzicato Link
Guitar Pianoteq Classical Guitar Link
Piano Pianoteq Steinway Model D: NY Player Clean Link
     Modeled from New York Steinway D.
Piano (Alt) Pianoteq KIViR: Erard Link
     Modeled from Sébastien Erard (1922).
Electric Piano Pianoteq KIViR: CP-80 Link
     Modeled from Yamaha CP-80 (1978).
Harpsichord Pianoteq KIViR: Blanchet Link
     Modeled from François-Etienne Blanchet (1733).
Clavichord Pianoteq KIViR: Neupert Link
     Modeled from Modell Philipp Emanuel Bach (1941).
Percussion Raw VSCO 2 CE Link