I've been playing percussion for years. I started out in middle school mostly playing drums and then switched to mallet percussion. As a young adult, I played in the Pensacola Civic Band, learned marimba solos, and infrequently played in church. I am mostly self taught, learning from The Goldenberg Books and Stevens "Method of Movement". I mostly use Stevens grip for four-mallet but also can use Burton grip. I also experiment with six-mallet independence.
I primarily focus on mallet percussion, and I enjoy hand drumming and accessory percussion. I have also played drum kit and timpani in concerts and musicals.
I have found that I have a knack for finding and restoring instruments. I have an Inventory of instruments I can use for gigs and loan out. I've been asked on multiple occasions, "Why do you have so many instruments?" The answer is pretty simple—because I want to play them.
I regularly play mallet percussion for the Pensacola Civic Band. You can see my Schedule and Resume to learn more about my activities. I may be available for other music opportunities in the Northwest Florida area.
Here are some topics of percussion that I am interested in:
- Mallet Percussion
- Multi-Mallet Technique
- Hand Drumming
- MIDI and Electronic Percussion
- Instrument Design and Building
- Music Education Advocacy
Upcoming Performances
Subject to change, I will perform in these events:
Related Links
Local Performance GroupsProducts
- Evans Drumheads and Promark Drumsticks
- Jarvis Industries: All-terrain band hardware
- Meinl Percussion and Meinl Cymbals
- Musser Mallets
- Trixon Drums USA
- Vic Firth and Balter Mallets
- Wernick: Xylosynth and Accessories
- Zynthian: Open platform for sound synthesis for Raspberry Pi and Linux
- Gongs Unlimited
- Jim Laabs Music
- Lone Star Percussion
- Music123, Musician's Friend, and Woodwind & Brasswind
- Steve Weiss Music
- Wichita Band Instrument Co
- 8notes.com: Free sheet music
- Association of Concert Bands
- Blank Sheet Music .net: Free printable staff paper
- Percussive Arts Society
- Petrucci Music Library: Library of public-domain music scores
FluidSynth: SF2 and SF3 synthesizer
LinuxSampler: GIG and SFZ synthesizer
MuseScore: Music notation program
Polyphone: Soundfont editor
: SFZ, SF2, and DLS synthesizer
Audacity: Audio editor
- ZynthianOS: Sound synthesis for Raspberry Pi